Situation in which a director has a personal interest likely to affect the impartial and objective performance of his duties.
We purchased an apartment in a new condominium with over 100 units. While some units are occupied, many units, garages, and storage spaces remain unsold. During the special transitional meeting, I was elected as a director. Faced with our responsibilities, we demanded that the developer pay the common expenses related to…...
A co-ownership is exposed to various types of risks, such as fires, water damages, theft and acts vandalism; among these risks, one that is often overlooked is fraud. Those capable of committing fraudulent acts can sometimes be unsuspected or seemingly above suspicion; this includes director, co-owner, condo manager, service providers, and…...
The presence of a Board of Directors is mandatory in a co-ownership. It is the executive body of the syndicate and its legal representative. Its members act as the mandataries of the syndicate. When a co-ownership is newly constituted, the declaration of co-ownership generally provides for the appointment of a interim director, who exercises…...
The juridical personality of the syndicate is distinct from the one of the co-owners and directors. His acts are binding only on himself, besides for the exceptions provided by law. The faults committed by the syndicate have consequences only on its own civil liability and not on the directors. Under these conditions,…...
Most co-ownership directors assume this activity free of charge, effectively excluding the collection of any amount of money. But, contrary to popular belief, they can be paid. Usually, the remuneration granted to a director is mainly symbolic and is not similar to a remuneration similar to that paid to a…...
The director of a co-ownership is called to play a key role in the sound management of the co-ownership and preservation of co-owners' assets. To strengthen and maintain the relationship of trust with them, every director must be fair, honest and loyal toward the Syndicate and the co-owners. The director must also respect…...
The members of the board of directors play a key role in the co-ownership: they must be involved in the life of the building to ensure the proper management of the co-ownership and the well-being of the co-owners. Usually appointed by the Meeting of the co-owners, the director is a…...
La webradio du mercredi 15 mars 2023 a porté sur la fraude en copropriété et les mécanismes à mettre en place pour l’éviter. Une copropriété n’est pas à l’abri d’une fraude. Parmi ceux qui pourraient la commettre figurent les administrateurs, les copropriétaires, le gestionnaire de la copropriété, les fournisseurs de services et les…...
Le mercredi 16 décembre 2020, nous avons organisé une session webradio captivante et exclusivement consacrée aux administrateurs de copropriété. Cet événement interactif représentait une opportunité exceptionnelle pour tous ceux qui aspirent à parfaire leur compréhension de leur rôle crucial et des responsabilités qui en découlent. Être administrateur de copropriété est…...