Individual or a legal person who manages and administers the affairs of the syndicate of co-owners, but who does not participate, in principle, in the decision-making process. The Condo manager executes, for a fee, the decisions of the Board of Directors. The management contract determines the compensation method and the scope of the manager's obligations. This is usually a contract for services. It could also be a contract of employment.
WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW! The Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec has put in place a service contract model. Directors have an interest in requiring it from the manager with whom they do business, because this document precisely defines the benefits of the latter.
WARNING ! The condo manager must be distinguished from the co-ownership manager, in particular in that the law does not recognize any legal status, any explicit power and duty and no formal obligation to report on its management when its functions come to an end.
In our co-ownership, consisting of 6 apartments, a significant issue has arisen: it is nearly impossible to appoint, among the co-owners, the three administrators required by our declaration of co-ownership. This lack of involvement heavily impacts the day-to-day management of the building and creates tensions among the co-owners. Question: What…...
A co-ownership is exposed to various types of risks, such as fires, water damages, theft and acts vandalism; among these risks, one that is often overlooked is fraud. Those capable of committing fraudulent acts can sometimes be unsuspected or seemingly above suspicion; this includes director, co-owner, condo manager, service providers, and…...
The field of condominium management in Quebec remains without legislative oversight, a situation that could lead to similar abuses as those recently seen in Europe. While other Canadian provinces or European countries strictly regulate this profession, Quebec still lacks a specific legislative framework for managers. This lack of regulation allows…...
As beautiful as it may be, a new co-ownership will age and eventually require major repairs. In Quebec, however, about half of the syndicates of co-owners do not have any management tools to adequately fund the contingency fund. This issue, which can sometimes have financially disastrous consequences for certain co-owners,…...
The tasks of the condo manager are numerous. The latter may be mandated to manage the immovable, and thus ensure its preservation and maintenance; implement the decisions of the board of directors; settle major losses, take out the insurance required for your syndicate, but also to enforce the by-laws of…...
Among the employees of the immovable of the co-ownership (condominium), we find the janitor; the latter's main mission is to carry out various housekeeping work in the common portions of the building and to take care of both the interior and the exterior, the entrance, the hallways, the corridors, the stairs and the garden. The…...
When water damage occurs in common portions or the private portions, the syndicate of co-owners must act quickly to implement appropriate emergency measures. It is essential to immediately report the loss to the syndicate's insurer. After an assessment of the damages by a claims adjuster, it is advisable to hire…...
Relocations and move-ins involve going through the common portions of the building to transport furniture, boxes and other personal belongings. These operations could turn into a real mess or nightmare if, in a co-ownership (condominium), the framework for managing them has not been clearly established. While certain provisions of the…...
Selecting the services of a good condo manager requires a thorough and thoughtful process; it is up to the board of directors to decide whether they prefer a small or large co-ownership (condominium) management company, this choice needing to consider not only the size and specific features of the immovable but also the…...
Distinguishing between the function of the co-ownership manager (gérant) and the condo manager (gestionnaire) is not an easy task; most participants who work in the field of a co-ownership (condominium) struggle with this issue. The co-ownership manager has decision-making powers regarding the management of the co-ownership whereas the condo manager acts as an advisor and is the…...
The condo manager bound to a syndicate of co-owners by a contract for services does not have the same relationship with his client as the one who has the status of an employee and so, regarding a contract of employment; that being said, regardless of the nature of the relationship between…...
A contract typically comes with an expiration date; this is true for the contractual relationship between the syndicate of co-owners and its condo manager. The agreement can last for years or end abruptly; the flexibility and the adaptability of this agreement efficiently addresses the evolving needs and the changes of both parties. Moreover, loyalty…...
The contract for services must clearly outline the condo manager's remuneration regarding the day-to-day management services provided for the co-ownership (condominium); this management includes the usual acts that are generally part of the base package but the manager can also request additional fees for extra rendered services. ...
Every syndicate of co-owners should retain the services of a condo manager to assist the board of directors carrying out its duties; as a real conductor of the immovable, he has enormous responsibilities to assume because the needs of a co-ownership (condominium) are multiple and complex. That being said, there are three types of management…...
The condo manager’s tasks are numerous and so, his civil liability could be engaged. As a mandatary of the syndicate of co-owners, the manager is required to fulfill the terms of his mandate. The manager can incur his liability in two ways: first of all, he can incur his contractual civil liability towards the mandator;…...
The manager usually plays a key role in a co-ownership (condominium). Similarly to the board of directors, the duty of the manager is to preserve the immovable of which he is responsible and consequently, the directors must ensure that he assumes his mission with dignity, loyalty, honesty, prudence, diligence and probity; in order to achieve this, the board…...
As the person responsible for the management of the syndicate of co-owners’ real estate assets, the condo manager plays a strategic role; his competence level can make the difference especially if the board of directors knows next to nothing in such matters. The functioning of a co-ownership (condominium) as well as the stewardship of the…...
The syndicate of co-owner’s mission is to ensure the preservation of the immovable and the maintenance of the common portions; to ensure that the building is in good condition, the syndicate involves various service providers. Technical and property management aim to conserve the common portions; in addition, a well-maintained immovable necessarily involves carrying out the…...
The administration of a syndicate of co-owners requires financial expertise, which is vital for the proper functioning of the co-ownership (condominium). In collaboration with the board of directors, the condo manager ensures budgetary balance and financial management which includes budget preparation, account management, and the distribution of common expenses (condo fees); he also…...
The management of a co-ownership (condominium) involves an administrative aspect that requires the implementation of strict control procedures. Efficiency in carrying out these administrative tasks is essential to ensure smooth and effective management within a syndicate of co-owners; despite their potential complexity, these responsibilities are crucial for ensuring transparency and order in the…...
The law does not set out a list of the various tasks that may be assigned to the condo manager; the latter receives its mandate from the board of directors to manage all or part of the affairs of the co-ownership (condominium). The manager assists and advises the directors, he ensures the…...
Responsible of ensuring a good management, the condo manager plays a key role in a co-ownership (condominium); his function generally falls under the authority of the board of directors. Similarly to the directors, the function of the condo manager aligns with the preservation of the immovable for which he is responsible; his objective is to ease the directors'…...
Our condo manager offers rental management services to investor co-owners who own apartments in our building. These owners give proxies to our manager to vote on their behalf at meetings of co-owners, while he acts as presiding officer. We believe this is a conflict of interest. How do I fix…...
La Webradio de Condolegal du mercredi 31 mai 2023 portait sur la filière formation en copropriété. Étant un domaine de droit renfermant souvent son lot de complexités (difficultés) et où des profanes (particuliers) s’initient au sujet, il est primordial de comprendre les rouages de la copropriété. Une panoplie de ressources et de formations s’offrent tant aux…...
Depuis plusieurs années, il a été constaté que le métier de « syndic de copropriété », dénommé au QUÉBEC « gestionnaire de copropriété » n’attirait pas de nouvelles vocations principalement parmi les jeunes. Les jeunes ou les moins jeunes qui choisissent ce secteur d’activités sont bien rares à se destiner au métier d'agent immobilier-syndic. Malgré les efforts…...
Le mercredi 16 juin 2022, la Webradio de était entièrement dédiée à un sujet complexe: la professionnalisation des gestionnaires de copropriété. Ceux-ci feront-ils partie un jour d’un ordre professionnel dans lequel ces derniers sont obligés de suivre une formation continue, détenir une assurance responsabilité professionnelle et être assujettis à un code de…...
Voilà bientôt 30 années que le métier de syndic de copropriété ( dénommé chez vous : gestionnaire de copropriétés) dispose en Belgique d’une reconnaissance légale. Intégré dans les activités d’un agent immobilier, le syndic doit être inscrit auprès de l’Institut Professionnel des agents Immobiliers (I.P.I), organisme public et véritable «…...
The search for a good condo manager is like the quest for a good wine! Should you try several before finding the right one? At the risk of having stomach disorders. Or rather, it is necessary to know before the search for the right nectar the quality criteria that are…...
Our Board of Directors considers entrusting part of the administrative management of the syndicate to an external manager. In order to reduce the risk of fraud, a criminal history certificate is included in our selection criteria. Also, proof of liability insurance from the manager is verified so that it is sufficient…...
Le mercredi 3 février 2021, la Webradio de était entièrement dédiée à un sujet complexe pour tout syndicat de copropriétaires: le secret d'un mariage réussi entre gestionnaires et syndicats. Le choix d'un gestionnaire de copropriété doit être judicieux, car sa relation d'affaires avec un syndicat doit être harmonieuse. Mais…...
23 août 2019 - L’Organisme d’autoréglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ), qui suit de très près les discussions concernant le projet de loi 16, réitère son désir que l’encadrement des gestionnaires de copropriété soit inclus dans la mouture finale d’une mesure législative attendue depuis fort longtemps. Or, la question…...
25 juillet - L'Affaire Jacques Paquet se poursuit. Une décision sur la sanction à imposer à l'égard de ses agissements a finalement été rendue cette semaine. Le Conseil de discipline de l'Ordre des administrateurs agréés du Québec (OAAQ) a rendu sa décision ce 23 juillet 2012. Tristement célèbre pour avoir…...