A representative of the insurer generally mandated to
He must hold a “certificat d’expertise en règlement de sinistres” (expert certificate in settlement of loss) issued by the “Autorité des marches financiers” (Financial Market Authority) and be a member of the “Chambre de l’assurance de dommages” (Damage Insurance Chamber).
A co-owner accidentally damaged the entrance door to the underground garage, located in the common portions, with their vehicle. This door needs to be completely replaced. The co-owner's insurer is offering partial compensation, covering 90% of the costs, due to depreciation applied to the door. Furthermore, the amount of the damages…...
Le mercredi 30 octobre 2024,, la webradio Condolegal a consacré une émission entière à un sujet d’une importance capitale pour toutes les copropriétés : la gestion des interventions après sinistre en milieu de copropriété. En cas de dégât d’eau, d’incendie ou de toute autre catastrophe imprévue, les copropriétaires et les…...
Le mercredi 30 octobre 2024, la webradio Condolegal était entièrement dédiée à un sujet crucial pour toutes les copropriétés : L’intervention après sinistre en copropriété. Un dégât d’eau, un incendie ou une autre catastrophe peuvent rapidement devenir un casse-tête pour les copropriétaires et les gestionnaires. Mais que faire lorsqu’un sinistre frappe?…...
In the event of a loss, it is imperative for the insured, whether a co-owner or a director of a co-ownership syndicate, to report the incident to their insurer as soon as possible. This declaration generally triggers the designation of a claims adjuster by the insurer. This professional is responsible…...
After being victims of a loss, the members of the board of directors and the affected co-owners are often caught off guard. How will things unfold? There is no need to worry or panic, because in principle, once the notice of loss completed, various stakeholders get involved: the insurer of…...
Claims in co-ownerships are numerous: water leaks, water damages, vandalism, fire, etc. If the claim affects both the common portions and private portions of the co-ownership, it is the responsibility of the board of directors to handle the notice of loss with the syndicate's insurer and to arrange for its…...
Last night, upon returning from work, I was faced with a disaster. As soon as I opened the door, the sound of running water alerted me. The bathroom had turned into a pool, with the pipe under the sink having burst. After shutting off the water supply, the urgency of…...
After a water damage, the ultimate goal of the syndicate and the co-owners is to find themselves in the same situation as they were before the occurrence of the loss. Due to its legal structure, the rehabilitation of common portions and private portions can be particularly complex in a divided co-ownership; this is why it should…...
Water damages are the leading cause of loss ratio in co-ownerships (condominiums); they are also becoming more and more expensive and so, whether it concerns the syndicates of co-owners or their insurers. For reference, over the past decade, the proportion of water damages has more than doubled in immovables of co-ownerships. In order to limit the…...
The concept of water damage refers to the damages caused to property by the action of water; it can be a pipe that bursts because of the frost, the drain pipe of the washing machine that breaks or the bathtub that overflows. Water damages are probably the most recurrent problems in immovables in…...
Le mercredi 11 octobre 2023 (à 19h), lors de la traditionnelle webradio de Condolegal, il était question de la gestion des sinistres en copropriété. Un incendie, un dégât d’eau ou un acte de vandalisme en copropriété constitue des situations qui peuvent être complexes et stressantes tant pour les copropriétaires que…...
La Webradio de Condolegal.com du mercredi 9 juin 2021 a abordé un sujet peu connu dans le domaine de la copropriété divise : celui des experts en sinistre indépendants. Tout syndicat de copropriétaires peut faire appel à leurs services, notamment, lorsque son assureur n’est pas impliqué dans le dossier. Cela se…...
Le fonds d’auto assurance est affecté au paiement des franchises prévues par les assurances souscrites par le syndicat et d'un montant additionnel raisonnable Questions : Qu'est-ce qu'un montant additionnel raisonnable? Comment fait-on pour connaitre la somme additionnelle? On doit se fier sur quoi exactement pour définir la somme additionnelle?...
Your co-ownership is exposed to various risks, as an example, fires, water damages, theft and acts of vandalism, which are required to be insured against. When a loss occurs, the insurance of a co-ownership covers the building as well as the general liability of the syndicate of co-owners. For the…...
Le mercredi 12 mai 2021, la Webradio de Condolegal.com a exploré les enjeux d'assurance que rencontrent les syndicats de copropriétaires au Québec, notamment ceux confrontés à la perte de leur assureur traditionnel. Cette Webradio a exploré les défis associés au passage obligé vers le marché de l'assurance secondaire, reconnu pour…...
Le mercredi 24 mars 2021, la Webradio de Condolegal.com a abordé le thème de la gestion des sinistres en copropriété. Animée par François Cellier, cette édition a énoncé les démarches nécessaires après un incendie ou un dégât des eaux. L'accent a été mis sur l'importance du rôle du fiduciaire d’assurance et…...