Definition : Charter of the french language

Law (commonly known as Bill101) adopted by the National Assembly of Quebec. It makes French the language of Government and the Law, as well as the normal and everyday language of work, instruction, communication, commerce and business.

WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW !  Any declaration of co-ownership must be offered and exist in French, "concomitantly with the English language", unless the parties decide expressly otherwise. In addition, according to the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF), the buyer who agrees to be bound by a declaration of co-ownership and to respect its precepts, subscribes to a adhesion contract. Consequently, this declaration "constitutes a document subject to article 30.1 of the Charter of the French language, and is therefore subject to a request for translation from the notary having instrumented it, regardless of the time which has elapsed between the publication of a declaration and a deed of sale ".

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