Definition : Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms

Québec law, the object of which is to guarantee to any person the legal protection of his fundamental rights. This applies to, in particular, the respect for the dignity of human beings, the equality of women and men, the recognition of the rights and freedoms to which they are entitled, and the protection against any type of discrimination.

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Can a manager with a criminal record be hired?

Our Board of Directors considers entrusting part of the administrative management of the syndicate to an external manager. In order to reduce the risk of fraud, a criminal history certificate is included in our selection criteria. Also, proof of liability insurance from the manager is verified so that it is sufficient…...

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Imposing an air freshener upon owners who smoke?

  I live in a co-ownership where there are a few smokers, one of which is located directly below me. His smoke migrates into my apartment. I am worried of its effects on my health in the medium and long terms, as well as that of my spouse and those…...

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What are its powers?

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