Definition : Legal recourse

The exercise of a right in court by a natural or legal person in order to enforce the respect or recognition of a right of which he claims to be the holder.

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Legal recourses for the syndicate of co-owners regarding latent defects, faulty design and construction defects

The law regulates the liability of contractors and building professionals for any problem related to the quality of construction work. In this regard, the legislator has provided for a specific protection regime for divided co-ownership. Section 1081 of the Civil Code of Québec recognizes the legal interest of any syndicate…...

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Retrieving the register of co-ownership

Usually declarations of co-ownership list the patrimony of the syndicate of co-owners. Among the items owned by the syndicate is the register of co-ownership. It contains all the syndicate's archives, such as the declaration of co-ownership, the up-to-date list of co-owners of the immovable and the minutes of the co-owners…...

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Enforcing the declaration of co-ownership

The declaration of co-ownership is a contract that orchestrates and regulates the lives of co-owners, lessees and other occupants of the immovable. It represents the guideline for everyone who lives in the immovable.The declaration of co-ownership provides, systematically, that it is up to the board of directors to have its…...

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Canceling a decision of the board of directors

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Canceling a decision of the meeting of the co-owners

The co-owners have a legal proceeding when they oppose decisions taken by the meeting of the co-owners. They generally seek to contest decisions they consider unjustified. In order to promote the stability of the decisions made at the meeting of co-owners, the legislator allows such recourse only in certain circumstances.…...

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Collection of the unpaid common expenses

The failure to pay general or special common expenses (condo fees) is one of the most contentious co-ownership’s issues. It is the duty of the board of directors of the syndicate of co-owners to collect them, unless this task has been delegated to the condo manager. When a co-owner's contributions have…...

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Webradio du 12 avril 2023: Les recours judiciaires en copropriété

La webradio du mercredi 12 avril 2023 a porté sur les recours judiciaires en copropriété. Dans le monde de la copropriété, il est fréquent que des discordes surgissent. Il en est ainsi pour une dispute avec un copropriétaire, des vices cachés, le non-respect de la déclaration de copropriété ou encore une demande visant…...
