Definition : Court of Québec

Court of first instance, under the legislative authority of the Government of Quebec.The Court of Québec is responsible for hearing cases in civil, criminal and penal matters, as well as in matters relating to youth. In civil matters, the Court of Québec essentially has exclusive jurisdiction to hear applications in which either the value of the subject matter of the litigation or the amount claimed, including in respect of termination of a lease, is less than $75,000 and has concurrent jurisdiction with the Superior Court of Québec, at the plaintiff's choice, where the value or amount reaches or exceeds $75,000 but is less than $100,000,  regardless of interest (with the exception of applications for support and applications that are within the jurisdiction of the Federal Court).

 WARNING ! The Supreme Court of Canada, in 2021, upheld a reference decision of the Quebec Court of Appeal, according to which the $15,000 increase in the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Québec, which increases the limit of its exclusive jurisdiction to $85,000, is invalid under section 96 of the Constitution Act, 1867, whereas it encroaches on the role reserved by the Constitution for the Superior Court of Quebec.

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