Text setting out the rules of conduct that determine the appropriate conduct of a function, for example, as a director or condo manager. A Code of ethics and professional conduct generally specifies the duties, obligations and responsibilities to which the person exercising it is subject.
During the last annual meetings, the directors held more than 50% of the votes by combining the proxies they received with their own votes. This situation allows them to systematically secure a sufficient number of votes to be re-elected year after year, leaving other co-owners with little to no influence…...
The director of a co-ownership is called to play a key role in the sound management of the co-ownership and preservation of co-owners' assets. To strengthen and maintain the relationship of trust with them, every director must be fair, honest and loyal toward the Syndicate and the co-owners. The director must also respect…...
Selecting the services of a good condo manager requires a thorough and thoughtful process; it is up to the board of directors to decide whether they prefer a small or large co-ownership (condominium) management company, this choice needing to consider not only the size and specific features of the immovable but also the…...
The manager usually plays a key role in a co-ownership (condominium). Similarly to the board of directors, the duty of the manager is to preserve the immovable of which he is responsible and consequently, the directors must ensure that he assumes his mission with dignity, loyalty, honesty, prudence, diligence and probity; in order to achieve this, the board…...
Questions: I need to confirm if there's a specific deadline for submitting a candidacy as a director, particularly if a co-owner can nominate themselves during the annual assembly. Additionally, is it possible for board members to implement a rule prohibiting nominations on the evening of the co-owners' meeting? Understanding these…...
La webradio du mercredi 1er février 2023 (à 19h) a porté sur l’éthique en copropriété. L’éthique se définit comme étant l’ensemble des principes moraux qui déterminent la conduite appropriée d'une personne. L’administrateur d’une copropriété est appelé à jouer un rôle primordial dans la saine administration de la copropriété, ainsi que la…...
Voilà bientôt 30 années que le métier de syndic de copropriété ( dénommé chez vous : gestionnaire de copropriétés) dispose en Belgique d’une reconnaissance légale. Intégré dans les activités d’un agent immobilier, le syndic doit être inscrit auprès de l’Institut Professionnel des agents Immobiliers (I.P.I), organisme public et véritable «…...
The search for a good condo manager is like the quest for a good wine! Should you try several before finding the right one? At the risk of having stomach disorders. Or rather, it is necessary to know before the search for the right nectar the quality criteria that are…...