

37 Articles


What to ask the professional accountant: a compilation engagement, a review engagement, an audit or nothing?

In theory, your co-ownership doesn't necessarily need a Chartered Professional Accountant to present its financial information, whether it's financial statements, financial forecasts or financing applications. Competent administrators or a manager could do the work and present the required financial information well. However, the need may arise if the co-owners have doubts about the work, skills or honesty of the board members. The internal reports submitted to the co-owners may also be absent or deficient....



Time limits for keeping documents in the register

February 22, 2022 - The archives of a co-ownership are a set of documents kept being able to manage the building, prove rights or testify to certain activities. I am sometimes asked for how long documents filed in the co-ownership register should be kept by the syndicate. This is a fair question, since the legislator has given no explicit directions on this subject in the Civil Code. It could be that its silence means, "You…...



The statement of financial position of the condominium

The statement of financial position, also known as the balance sheet, lists the assets, liabilities and net assets of the co-ownership syndicate at a specific time. It is a picture of the financial situation at a given date compared to other statements that usually cover a full fiscal year. The statement of financial position shows assets on one hand and liabilities and net assets on the other. Assets are always equal to liabilities plus net…...



Harcèlement au travail: encore des obligations pour les syndicats

2 novembre 2018 - Encore de nouvelles obligations pour les syndicats de copropriétaires, dites-vous? Eh bien, oui!, si vous avez des employés. Mais si ça peut vous rassurer, ces nouvelles obligations s’adressent aussi à tous les employeurs québécois, sans exception…...



Guide for syndicates of co-ownership becoming employers

A syndicate of co-ownership becomes an employer when it hires an employee under a work contract, whether verbal or written. A work contract exists when an employee performs work for remuneration under the direction or control of an employer (article 2085 of the Civil code of Quebec). This entails new legal responsibilities and obligations for the syndicate of co-ownership (SOC). Failure to comply with these obligations can result in significant legal and financial consequences. To…...



Gestionnaire de copropriété et fibre altruiste

5 mars 2021 — Dans cette deuxième partie de ma chronique qui traite des gestionnaires de copropriété, je parlerai d’autres facettes propres à leur relation avec un syndicat de copropriétaires. Dans mon texte précédent, j’ai mentionné qu’une firme de gestion passe en moyenne trois ans dans une copropriété. Pourquoi? Bien souvent parce qu’après quelques années, les membres d’un CA quittent et d’autres prennent la relève. Or, les nouveaux arrivants peuvent être enclins à critiquer la…...



Gestion de l'absentéisme au travail

22 décembre 2013 - Un de vos employés s’absente fréquemment du travail, surtout les vendredis et les lundis. Un autre vous présente des billets médicaux vagues, du genre « Arrêt de travail pour 1 semaine » ou « A été vu à la clinique – Revoir dans 3 jours ». Que devriez-vous faire, en tant qu’administrateur de votre syndicat de copropriété, dans de telles circonstances?...



Fund accounting

A syndicate of co-owners has the obligation to account for its operations by funds. The Civil Code of Québec requires the creation of a general fund, a contingency fund and in April 2022, the creation of the self-insurance fund. The creation of the early self-insurance fund is recommended. The general fund for current operations is also sometimes referred to as an administration fund or an administration fund....



Divided co-ownership and GST/QST

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) are collected in Quebec on the sale of most goods and services. The application of the Excise Tax Act (Part IX) and the Act respecting the Québec sales tax in respect of expenses incurred by a syndicate of co-owners and the contributions to common expenses it receives from co-owners is a very complex subject. Before registering for the GST and QST files, a…...



Form for the tax credit for home support: Does a co-owner have to pay to obtain It?

Every January or February, the manager, the accountant or the administrator of the co-ownership syndicate must complete, at the request of the co-owners concerned, the form TPZ-1029.MD.5-V for the tax credit for home support services for seniors. Completing this form requires an analysis of the accounting books to use only eligible expenses. This work can take a lot of time, depending on the volume of transactions of the condominium. It is tempting to charge the…...
