

150 Articles


Punctured by woodpeckers

July 20, 2016 - The contingency fund is an essential kitty for any co-ownership. The recent misadventure of a group of co-owners in Kelowna, British Columbia, reminds us that it could be used well before the common portions reach the end of their life expectancy. The said co-owners association   had to spend $ 225,000, prematurely on account of substantial damage to its building facades caused by woodpeckers (maybe   the offspring of the  infamous Woodywoodpecker ).…...



New co-ownership management educational program

July 12, 2016 - A new university co-ownership management   program is born. It will be given at the Centre de perfectionnement de l’École des sciences de la gestion (ESG UQUAM) (Development center of the Management Sciences School ESG UQAM) starting on September 8 next....



Voluntary syndicates Wanted

February 9, 2016 - RGCQ is looking for syndicates of co-owners to participate in a trial project, leading ultimately to the creation of the Condo Index. The latter will become   an indicator of the financial performance of a co-ownership. The Condo Index is the next logical step after the creation by the RGCQ of the standardized chart of accounts....



New Ontario condominium act

January 15th 2016- Ontario has been revising for a long time its 1998 Condominium Act (Condominium Act). Its new version adopted December 2nd 2015, designated the “2015 Protecting Condominium Owners Act “has significantly reinforced the measures of protection applicable to condo associations”....



From down and out to hero

January 18, 2016 - After an exhausting battle against its syndicate of co-owners (le Verre -Bourg in Ste-Foy), Robert Delarosbil has been elected President the Board this Monday....



The RL -31 becomes mandatory

January 5, 2016 – As of January1, 2016, Revenu Québec imposes the use of the RL-31 slip (RL-31). This document is intended for those individuals or businesses who own a building containing at least one leased dwelling. They are required to provide this slip to any tenant whose name is on a lease or who sublets an apartment, as of December31, 2015 specifically....



New Director General of RGCQ

December 15, 2015 - Laurent Emery was recently appointed Director General of RGCQ. The board of directors of the non-profit organization announced it today....



L'Ordre des ingénieurs sous tutelle

7 juillet 2016 — L’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) a officiellement été mise sous administration le 6 juillet. Le Conseil des ministres a pris cette décision pour endiguer une série de crises qui ont secoué cet organisme depuis un certain temps....



Le harcèlement peut coûter cher

19 avril 2016 — Le journal Toronto Star a rapporté, récemment, l’histoire d’une condamnation pour dommages contre le CA d’une coopérative d’habitation située à Scarborough, en Ontario. Le CA en question a été condamné à verser 30 000 $ à 10 résidents (3000 $ par résident) qui ont été harcelés pendant plusieurs mois. Les faits reprochés se sont déroulés en 2012....



Nouvelle DG à l'ADMA

1er avril 2016 — Francine Sabourin est la nouvelle directrice générale de l’Ordre des administrateurs agréés du Québec (Ordre des ADMA). Elle succède à France Vézina, qui était en poste quelque temps....
