155 Articles
Dear members, As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience, the "Ask a question" module on Condolegal.com will be temporarily paused from February 1 to February 8, 2025. This downtime will allow us to implement significant improvements to better meet your expectations. We are pleased to inform you that the section will be accessible again starting February 9, 2025....
13 février - Le RGCQ tiendra son colloque printanier le 5 avril prochain. Il sera question, cette fois, de l'Entretien et de la conservation d'un immeuble en copropriété. Comme à l'habitude, plusieurs conférenciers réputés viendront discourir de la chose, pour permettre aux syndicats de copropriétaires d'optimiser leurs connaissances dans ce domaine....
13 novembre - L'édition 2015 de l'ExpoHabitation de Montréal mettra notamment en vedette le Pavillon Condo. Du 5 au 8 février prochain, celui-ci présentera les entreprises qui adhéreront à l'étude de fonds de prévoyance standardisée. Mis en place par le RGCQ, les particularités de ce produit lui sont exclusives....
24 janvier - Les syndicats de copropriétaires ont intérêt à se méfier des entrepreneurs en construction qu'ils embauchent, car ils devront honorer les cotisations des mauvais payeurs, par exemple celles dûes à la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)....
20 septembre - Le président-directeur-général du Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ, Normand Bélanger, s'est récemment exprimé à propos de la passation des pouvoirs du promoteurs aux copropriétaires....
Although according to the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), the risk of contracting COVID-19 in a swimming pool is very low or non-existent, access to swimming pools remains prohibited until further notice. According to virologist Hugues Loemba, a clinician-researcher at Montfort Hospital in Ottawa, the risk does not come from water, but from "promiscuity between healthy people and those with COVID-19 (asymptomatic or symptomatic)" »....
December 9, 2017 - Ontario's recently introduced Protecting Co-Owners Act, 2015 provides, inter alia, mandatory training for co-ownership managers. As of January 30, 2018, they will be required to hold a license in good standing issued by CMRAO (the Condominium Management Regulatory Authority of Ontario), otherwise they will no longer be able to offer their services to the syndicates of co-owners....
January 15th 2016- Ontario has been revising for a long time its 1998 Condominium Act (Condominium Act). Its new version adopted December 2nd 2015, designated the “2015 Protecting Condominium Owners Act “has significantly reinforced the measures of protection applicable to condo associations”....
July 12, 2016 - A new university co-ownership management program is born. It will be given at the Centre de perfectionnement de l’École des sciences de la gestion (ESG UQUAM) (Development center of the Management Sciences School ESG UQAM) starting on September 8 next....
August 24, 2017 --- After enacting the Condominium Owners Protection Act in December 2015, Ontario recently announced an important guideline deriving therefrom. Effective November 1, 2017, all condominium (co-ownership) managers will have 90 days to apply for a license under the Condominium Management Services Act....