
All the chronicles

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Brokerage forms adapted to co-ownership

December 15th 2022 - When you wish to purchase a condominium unit, it is very important to obtain information not only on the private portion you would like to purchase, but also on the common portions, such as the foundation and the roof....



Devenir copropriétaire : l'achat de mon futur condo

L’acquisition d’une propriété constitue l’achat le plus important que nous aurons à effectuer au cours de notre vie. Au fil du temps, le marché immobilier s’est adapté aux modes de vie, aux désirs et aux aspirations des Québécois et Québécoises. En particulier, la création de la copropriété divise, en 1969, a grandement contribué à stimuler l’accès à la propriété. Au cours des cinquante dernières années, ce mode d’habitation s’est développé exponentiellement et il a su séduire des centaines de milliers de foyers. Ces projets d’habitation n’ont cessé de se multiplier sur le territoire québécois, résultat d’une économie prospère et d’un marché immobilier dynamique....



Dossier Pimbina : comment prévenir les désastres ?

28 avril 2023 - Le cas de la copropriété Pimbina est une réelle catastrophe pour ses nombreux copropriétaires. Les nombreux problèmes de qualité des constructions résidentielles au Québec sont bien réels. Plusieurs acteurs de l’industrie voient depuis longtemps la fumée à l’horizon et s’époumonent à crier au feu, mais nos institutions semblent souffrir de cécité et de surdité. Au quotidien, nous aidons des copropriétés qui subissent les coûteuses conséquences de problèmes de qualité datant de la conception ou de la construction. À écouter les témoignages des représentants du syndicat de la copropriété Pimbina dans les médias, il semble bien probable que les problèmes touchant leur copropriété fassent partie de cette catégorie....



Équilibre de ventilation

31 mars 2010- Dans les logements en condominium, on entend souvent des plaintes sur l’infiltration d’air aux portes, fenêtres et même les prises de courant, causant un inconfort désagréable en hiver. Une première cause est souvent une mauvaise étanchéité au pourtour des fenêtres et des portes-patio et parfois les fenêtres et portes elles-mêmes....



Establishing the Market Value of a Co-ownership Unit

As the seller will want to receive the best possible price for their unit and the buyer will want to pay a fair purchase price, it is in the interest of both to know its fair market value. Establishing the market value of a co-ownership unit, however, is not a simple task and those buying or selling this type of property need to work with a qualified professional like a real estate broker....



Housing exchange: what does the declaration of co-ownership say?

Many websites today promote residential housing exchanges between owners, offering an attractive solution to maximize the use of one's property. Whether you are considering a reciprocal exchange with another owner or an exchange based on "hospitality points"—referred to as "GuestPoints" on some online platforms—it is essential to consider several legal aspects. Exchanging a residential property within a reciprocal framework is generally not considered a commercial activity, as long as certain rules are respected. Naturally, it all depends on the terms outlined in the declaration of co-ownership. However, a distinction must be made between the two most common types of exchanges, as their legal implications may differ. These options are detailed below...

Vos droits


Is it relevant to contest your municipal assessment?

In the fall of 2025, the City of Montreal will publish the three-year property assessment roll for 2026-2027-2028. All property owners will receive a municipal notice informing them of the new assessment of their property that will come into effect in January 2026. It is important to read this notice to ensure that the new assessment reflects the real value of the property, as this value is used to establish the municipal tax bill....

Vos droits


Let the candidates in!

September 8th 2015 – In the election campaign, the Chief Electoral Officer of Québec reminded the population of the candidates’ rights to access private units. Whoever prevents a candidate from entering the premises of a private unit can be subjected to a fine of $5,000 or an imprisonment sentence of a maximum of 6 months, or both. The syndicate of co-owners are especially targeted since ‟apartments or condos” fall under this umbrella....



Maintenance and rehabilitation of ventilated flat roofs in co-ownership

In the world of co-ownership, managing and maintaining common portions represent a constant challenge for boards of directors. Among the most critical and costly elements is the rehabilitation of flat roofs. Choosing the right contractor for these works is a crucial decision that can heavily impact the co-ownership’s budget. Boards of directors often struggle to evaluate the skills and reliability of potential candidates. A poor selection can lead to additional costs and delays, exacerbating the initial problems and ultimately compromising the quality and longevity of the repairs....



Trust qualified professionals

August 5, 2023 - Experience in building envelopes is a crucial factor, especially in the current context marked by the stringent requirements of the Building Chapter of the Safety Code (CBCS). Given the obligation for condominium associations to conduct periodic inspections, choosing a qualified professional becomes essential. This particularly resonates with my 35-year journey as an architect who has developed solid skills in this field. Despite my extensive experience, I remain humble and aware of the limits of my expertise, in contrast to some self-proclaimed "experts" whose overblown claims elicit a certain skepticism in me....
