
All the chronicles

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Prêt à devenir propriétaire d’un condo? Une préparation s’impose!

18 octobre 2022 - En furetant sur les sites de propriétés à vendre, vous trouvez la copropriété de vos rêves et vous ne voulez pas manquer votre chance? Prenez tout de même le temps de bien faire les choses. ...



Preventing water damage in co-ownerships

Managing a co-ownership involves many responsibilities, among which loss prevention is essential. Among the risks most feared by directors, co-owners, managers and insurers, water damage occupies a prominent place. Indeed, a water leak, if not detected in time, can cause considerable damage, both material and financial. In addition to repair costs, water damage can lead to interruptions in the daily lives of residents, disputes between the syndicate and the offending co-owners and a deterioration in the quality of life within the building. For these reasons, it is essential to implement effective preventive measures, among which early detection plays a key role....



Prevention and maintenance of the building envelope

April 18, 2022 - Since their boom in the 1980s, co-ownership residences have grown increasingly popular. However, with a useful life cycle of about twenty years for many of their components, a notable deterioration of the building envelope has been observed for over a decade. This degradation is often attributable to a lack of rigor in maintenance programs, leading to premature wear of structural elements without administrators and managers being able to anticipate and prepare the necessary interventions....



Prevention Instead of Cure: The Situation at SDC Square Cartier

Every step of a construction project is crucial to its success. The Square Cartier co-ownership, which has recently been the subject of a lot of media coverage, is the perfect example of a poorly planned construction project. Indeed, it seems that the preliminary phases of this project suffered from a lack of research and analysis, leading the co-ownership to the situation it is in today: uninsurable and drowning in claims. In this column, we'll analyze the elements that should have been considered during the initial stages of the project, while offering design ideas that could have prevented these problems....



Quantité d’air à évacuer du bâtiment

29 novembre 2010- Dans une chronique antérieure, nous avons parlé de l’équilibre requis entre l’alimentation d’air et l’évacuation d’air, afin de ne pas créer une pression positive dans les logements et engendrer de la condensation dans les murs en hiver ni une pression négative qui accentue l’infiltration aux portes et fenêtres. Mais comment calcule-t-on la quantité d’air à équilibrer ?...



Réclamation en copropriété : l’élément dénoncé par le bon intervenant

Quand une problématique survient dans votre habitation neuve, la première chose à faire est d’en informer votre entrepreneur afin que celui-ci intervienne. Toutefois, s’il n’effectue pas les travaux correctifs ou que ceux-ci ne sont pas à votre satisfaction, c’est à ce moment que vous pourrez ouvrir un dossier de réclamation chez GCR. Après analyse du dossier, une décision sera rendue en conciliation. Pour ce faire, GCR se base sur ce qui est prévu dans le Règlement du plan de garantie des bâtiments résidentiels neufs pour reconnaître ou non un élément soulevé par un consommateur....



Réécrire sa déclaration de copropriété

10 avril 2017 - L’entrée en vigueur du nouveau Code civil du Québec en 1994 a divisé le contenu de la déclaration de copropriété en trois sections. Effectivement, on retrouve l’acte constitutif en première partie, le règlement en deuxième partie et l’état descriptif en troisième partie....



What are the agenda items that require a vote by the co-owners?

The agenda lists the questions to be voted on and the information and consultation items that will be addressed at the meeting of co-owners. The decision-making power of the meeting of co-owners is defined by the Civil Code of Québec and the declaration of co-ownership (Constitutive Act of Co-ownership). The chairman of the meeting of co-owners ensures that it runs smoothly and submits to the co-owners the proposals on which a vote must be taken. It must thus determine with respect to each item on the agenda who has the authority to decide. Its powers are set out in the building regulations....

Vos droits


What exactly is insurance value?

November 3, 2021— It is clear that confusion still persists today with the concepts of market value and insurance value. Indeed, many people and stakeholders in the real estate field do not distinguish between these two values, as well as between the concepts of replacement cost and reproduction cost, or even between the cost of new construction and the cost of reconstruction. But, first of all, how to distinguish the market value from the insurance value? Let us try here to disentangle all that.  ...



What role does the syndicate of co-owners play in a real estate transaction?

For real estate transactions involving a divided co-ownership, one might assume that the parties only include the seller, the buyer, their respective real estate brokers and the notary who will finalize the transaction at the end of the process. However, the syndicate of co-owners also plays a key role in the transaction. By fulfilling their obligations, the board will allow the promisor to obtain all relevant information to make their decision, and the parties to the transaction can ensure that the promisor is able to give enlightened consent....
