
All the chronicles

1-10 sur 145 résultats


Inspection of facades taken lightly

Law 122 was adopted in 2013, making facade inspection by an engineer or architect mandatory for certain types of buildings. Despite this, it is surprising to note that many building owners still seem to be unaware of these regulations, or even deliberately neglect them. Why is there still so much hesitation about this inspection which could prevent disasters? In this column, I will explain the importance of inspecting the facades of a building and the reasons given by certain co-owners to avoid having it carried out....



Intolerance in co-ownership: a jurisprudential lesson

Living in a co-ownership involves striking a balance between enjoying one's unit and respecting the neighborhood. But what happens when this balance is disrupted by excessive and persistent behavior? A landmark judgment sheds light on the legal consequences of disproportionate intolerance in a co-ownership setting. This case highlights how crucial it is to respect the rights of other co-owners to maintain collective harmony. Courts can intervene decisively to address abuse and restore balance within the community....

Vos droits


L'huissier dans les assemblées de copropriétaires

17 novembre 2016 - L’huissier de justice est souvent mandaté afin d’assister à une assemblée générale annuelle et/ou spéciale. Toutefois, pour ce faire, il doit être porteur d’une procuration valide reçue d’un copropriétaire. Cette procuration doit lui permette d’assister à la dite assemblée ou toutes autres assemblées ultérieures si cette dernière est suspendue ou remise à des dates ultérieures, car très souvent les copropriétaires et/ou membres du conseil d’administration peuvent demander à l’huissier de quitter les lieux....

Vos droits


L'huissier de justice et son rôle en copropriété divise

11 juin 2020- L'huissier de justice, en sa qualité d'officier de justice, représente un allié important et efficace pour l’ensemble des  copropriétaires, gestionnaires et syndicats de copropriété.  Son intervention peut être sollicitée pour établir des constats sur diverses situations ou encore pour la perception des charges communes impayées, consolidant ainsi la bonne gestion et l'harmonie au sein des résidences. Les prérogatives de l'huissier de justice, ancrées dans le Code de procédure civile et la Loi sur les huissiers de justice, lui confèrent une autorité légale pour agir avec efficience et justesse, assurant un équilibre indispensable entre les parties concernées. En outre, sa connaissance approfondie des procédures judiciaires font de lui un allié précieux, capable de naviguer à travers les complexités légales pour le bien-être de la communauté....

Vos droits


L'inconfort thermique

9 octobre 2012- Beaucoup de gens se plaignent d'inconfort thermique dans les logements de diverses façons....



L’acte de constat d’huissier : une déclaration écrite à valeur ajoutée

29 juin 2021-  Les travaux du Congrès de Varsovie, de l'Union internationale des huissiers de justice et officiers judiciaires, ont révélé des découvertes fascinantes relatives à l'histoire du constat. Ces recherches ont mis en lumière l'existence d'ancêtres de cette pratique remontant au XIVe siècle, avec une mention spéciale du 13 février 1342, identifiée comme la date du premier constat officiel dans l'histoire des anciens parlements. Cette révélation marque le début d'une longue lignée de pratiques diversifiées en matière de constats....

Vos droits


The impact of changing regulations on the management of co-ownerships

Over the past few years, the legislative environment governing co-ownership has been considerably strengthened, requiring co-ownership syndicates to be more rigorous in managing their buildings. Laws such as Bill 16 and Bill 141 have transformed practices by establishing increased requirements in terms of maintenance, financial planning and governance. This development requires a more professional structuring of co-ownership management and redefines the role of volunteer directors as well as managers....



The imperative of maintenance in co-ownership

December 10, 2012 - Proper governance of a co-ownsership building starts with diligent and thorough maintenance. Unfortunately, this responsibility is often overlooked by many co-ownership syndicates until the consequences of their procrastination result in exorbitant repair costs. History has shown that delaying necessary maintenance work only worsens and increases expenses exponentially. Neglecting preventive maintenance and regular inspections can lead to catastrophic failures, compromising the safety of residents and the value of their real estate investment....



The importance of caulking in co-ownership

Ensuring the longevity of a co-ownership building requires ongoing vigilance, especially when it comes to the maintenance and repair of common areas. These responsibilities, which fall to the board of directors, are crucial for the building's longevity. Among these, caulking holds a preeminent place. This delicate operation is vital for effectively countering recurrent water infiltration problems, thus ensuring the building's waterproofing and preserving its structural integrity. Therefore, rigorous maintenance is indispensable....



The importance of long-term vision

November 21, 2022 - The management of a co-ownership requires a long-term vision that not only takes into account immediate needs but also the future implications of maintenance and renovation decisions. A strategic approach involves regularly evaluating the condition of the building and planning necessary interventions before problems become critical. In one of my columns, I highlighted a troubling issue affecting many co-ownerships in Quebec: the lack of maintenance of the real estate heritage. This alarming situation turns some buildings into real threats to the safety of their occupants. It is crucial to reverse this trend of negligence and adopt a proactive maintenance culture....
