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Buyer's guide: What you need to know so you don't delay the transaction

October 21, 2023- Buying or selling a condo requires a lot of planning. The dates of signing the transaction and taking possession are an integral part of it. Indeed, a delay in the scheduled date has logistical and monetary implications that can be significant for both buyers and sellers....



Proxies (Power of attorney) in co-ownership meeting

October 21, 2023 Any co-owner may delegate his right to vote to an mandatary. Thus, with the notice calling the meeting containing agenda, financial statements and budget, there is usually a blank proxy form. However, since there is no requirement for the board to include one, it may be necessary for a co-owner to prepare one himself. A formidable tool at assemblies and an object of covetousness for many when a decisive vote is planned in the co-ownership. However, proxies and their validity are often the subject of unfortunate questions and attempts to counter them. What about it?...



How to organize a meeting of co-owners smoothly

October 15, 2023- The Meeting of co-owners is a major event in the life of a co-ownership. A meeting at least once a year, it is decisive since it allows the making of major decisions that impact the lives and finances of the co-owners. The board of directors' mission is to take care of the convening and holding of the meeting of co-owners but also of the execution of the decisions it votes. Decisions taken have to appear clear and careful planning is required. It is also important to understand the rules that apply to it.  ...

Vos droits


The trap of low co-ownership fees

Collectively, we owned the old Champlain Bridge. We neglected it for years, pumped money into it to keep it afloat in its final days, and eventually had to shell out more than 4 billion to cross the same shore, using the same access routes. Can we draw a parallel to co-ownership? While it may seem logical to think that low co-ownership fees are an advantage and high co-ownership fees are a disadvantage for a buyer or a long-term co-owner, think again because reality might be quite different....



Abusive conduct by a Syndicate Director

In their dealings with co-owners, board members must act with loyalty and fairness. They must refrain from any gesture that could amount to a settling of scores. This rule of conduct is fundamental and failure to comply with it constitutes a fault that may engage the liability of both the syndicate and the directors, personally. A judgment of the Court of Quebec sanctioned the abusive behaviour of members of the board of directors of a syndicate.  ...

Vos droits


Copropriété divise vs Copropriété indivise

4 octobre 2023- Existe-t-il un écart de valeur entre une copropriété divise et indivise ? Dans le cadre d’un mandat qui nous a été confié, nous avons procédé à une étude visant à déterminer s’il existe un écart potentiel, entre une valeur immobilière détenue en copropriété divise et l’autre en indivise, en regard à sa valeur marchande. Il s’agit ici d’un immeuble à vocation résidentiel de type logement....



Réclamation en copropriété : l’élément dénoncé par le bon intervenant

Quand une problématique survient dans votre habitation neuve, la première chose à faire est d’en informer votre entrepreneur afin que celui-ci intervienne. Toutefois, s’il n’effectue pas les travaux correctifs ou que ceux-ci ne sont pas à votre satisfaction, c’est à ce moment que vous pourrez ouvrir un dossier de réclamation chez GCR. Après analyse du dossier, une décision sera rendue en conciliation. Pour ce faire, GCR se base sur ce qui est prévu dans le Règlement du plan de garantie des bâtiments résidentiels neufs pour reconnaître ou non un élément soulevé par un consommateur....



Managing crisis situations in co-ownership

Conflicts in co-ownership often arise due to a lack of knowledge of the rules governing the building, but also due to a lack of communication or transparency, or because of a misunderstanding that has gone wrong. To ensure that co-ownership is synonymous with peace and peace of mind, it is best to adopt good habits from the beginning. The buyer of a condominium unit must therefore commit to accepting a very specific way of life, akin to a kind of micro-society. Condominiums have a bright future if social harmony is cultivated among all residents. To achieve this, crisis situations must be avoided or managed as well as possible....

Vos droits


Condos: wood fireplace or Stingray fireplace?

Fire was always a threat to humans until they were able to domesticate it about 600,000 years ago. The use of this precious tool was then one of the major elements of human evolution.  Giant leap in time: If condominiums in Quebec have existed since 1969, their growth was more marked in the 80s. Since a co-ownership could indeed resemble a standard apartment, it was chosen, at the time, to decorate several of these units with wood-burning fireplaces. After all, the wood fireplace was, even until recently, a symbol of comfort, homecoming, luxury and even sensuality. Today, antics on a bearskin in front of a fireplace are no longer so popular. Still, the wood fireplace distinguished the condominium from the ordinary apartment. ...



Parties privatives, parties communes? Ce qu’il faut savoir quand on achète un condo

Vous avez acquis ou vous comptez acquérir un condo. Vous voyez alors passer des termes et expressions qui vous sont plus ou moins familiers. Nous allons tenter de démêler le tout afin que vous puissiez y voir plus clair....
