
All the chronicles

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Are your aquatic facilities up to code?

May 4, 2024 — Warm weather during the summer months can unfortunately coincide with aquatic tragedies that have fatal consequences. Warm seasons have been marked by tragic incidents in various aquatic environments. For instance, a high school student was found drowned in his school's pool. Additionally, a very young child met the same fate in a family pool. There was also a case of drowning in the indoor pool of a co-ownership. These events raise questions about whether these accidents were due to misfortune or negligence....



Can your condo catch Covid?

November 10, 2021 - It's well known, Covid has been blamed for a lot. Your favorite restaurant is now closed three days a week? It's because of Covid. There's a two-hour wait to talk to a representative at a call center? It's because of Covid. Is there a chlorine shortage for the pool? It's Covid's fault. Hurry up and buy your winter tires, Christmas toys, and storage cabinet because all of this might soon be in short supply because of... Covid! And what does your condo have to do with all this? Well, know that whether made of wood or concrete, tall or long, no condo will be able to avoid Covid......



Usefulness of the bailiff's ascertainment

December 2, 2023- If the bailiff can only make purely material findings, excluding any opinion on the factual or legal consequences that may result, his finding must not appear in the eyes of some as a restriction. Indeed, the definition of the role of the bailiff is, on the contrary, the strength of his observation. This strength emerges from the relevance of the facts found. The importance of the finding remains linked to its usefulness, which is considerable. The bailiff's ascertainment is nothing more or less than a legal photograph that preserves the memory of the facts which, without this report, could fade over time....

Vos droits


Vitrages isolants

18 mai 2010- Les vitrages isolants sont constitués de deux panneaux de verre consécutifs espacés normalement de 12mm. Cet espacement est obtenu par un intercalaire constitué d’un tube creux en aluminium. L’espace entre les deux panneaux de verre contient souvent de l’air, mais peut également contenir des gaz comme l’argon, le krypton, le dioxyde de carbone ou encore l’hexafluorure de soufre....



Volets coupe-fumée

25 octobre 2010- Il est connu que les conduits et les grilles dans les cloisons coupe-feu doivent être munis d’un volet coupe-feu opérant avec un fusible. Mais il existe aussi un volet combiné coupe-feu et coupe-fumée. Ce volet a la double fonction de retarder la propagation du feu et aussi d’empêcher le transfert de fumée d’un côté d’une cloison à l’autre....

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