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Condos: wood fireplace or Stingray fireplace?

Fire was always a threat to humans until they were able to domesticate it about 600,000 years ago. The use of this precious tool was then one of the major elements of human evolution.  Giant leap in time: If condominiums in Quebec have existed since 1969, their growth was more marked in the 80s. Since a co-ownership could indeed resemble a standard apartment, it was chosen, at the time, to decorate several of these units with wood-burning fireplaces. After all, the wood fireplace was, even until recently, a symbol of comfort, homecoming, luxury and even sensuality. Today, antics on a bearskin in front of a fireplace are no longer so popular. Still, the wood fireplace distinguished the condominium from the ordinary apartment. ...



Contester son évaluation municipale?

29 octobre 2010- Est-il pertinent de contester son évaluation municipale? Vous avez probablement reçu votre nouveau relevé d’évaluation municipale et vous avez certainement été étonné de l’augmentation de cette évaluation. Votre première réaction aura sans doute été de penser au compte de taxes municipale et scolaire que vous recevrez....



Copropriétaires et locataires: une coexistence parfois difficile

  1er décembre 2020 - La plupart des locataires qui vivent en copropriété ont la bonne attitude. Néanmoins, une minorité d’entre eux ne respecte pas le règlement de l’immeuble. Si tel est le cas, les administrateurs doivent intervenir, afin d’amener ces locataires à en respecter le contenu. Ne pas le faire risque d’engendrer un climat délétère au sein d’une copropriété, ce qui pourrait entraîner des conséquences fâcheuses que personne ne souhaite. En d’autres termes, il ne faut pas laisser les locataires faire n’importe quoi, autrement ils finiront par imposer leur loi....



Copropriété divise vs Copropriété indivise

4 octobre 2023- Existe-t-il un écart de valeur entre une copropriété divise et indivise ? Dans le cadre d’un mandat qui nous a été confié, nous avons procédé à une étude visant à déterminer s’il existe un écart potentiel, entre une valeur immobilière détenue en copropriété divise et l’autre en indivise, en regard à sa valeur marchande. Il s’agit ici d’un immeuble à vocation résidentiel de type logement....



Cost of new construction or reconstruction: what is it?

October 3, 2021 - When it comes to determining the insurance premium based on the insurance value of a building (for insurance purposes), the broker or insurer will require his client to provide the cost of "reconstruction". Indeed, this premium is established according to the risks which are attributable to the building and the premises, but also according to the cost of reconstruction. We obviously understand that after a disaster we have to rebuild the damaged places, but the concept goes far beyond reconstruction. Indeed, the cost of reconstruction is impacted by contingencies and difficulties in restoring the inventory to its original condition. Think for example of the work involved in replacing a broken ceramic tile, on the wall or the floor, it goes without saying that this also involves the replacement of other tiles around, damaged by the work.  ...



Divided co-ownership and GST/QST

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) are collected in Quebec on the sale of most goods and services. The application of the Excise Tax Act (Part IX) and the Act respecting the Québec sales tax in respect of expenses incurred by a syndicate of co-owners and the contributions to common expenses it receives from co-owners is a very complex subject. Before registering for the GST and QST files, a syndicate of co-owners has every interest in consulting a tax professional. That said, the question remains: in what situation must a syndicate of co-owners charge GST and QST to a co-owner on his common expenses (condo fees)?...



Failure of a syndicate to undertake work in common portions

The obligation of the syndicate of co-ownership to maintain common portions, especially those with limited use such as balconies, skylights, and other common portions, has been the subject of much discussion since 1994. In this regard, article 1039 of the Civil Code of Quebec provides that the community of co-owners constitutes, as soon as the declaration of co-ownership is published, a legal person whose purpose is the conservation of the building and the maintenance and administration of the common portions....

Vos droits


Fund accounting

A syndicate of co-owners has the obligation to account for its operations by funds. The Civil Code of Québec requires the creation of a general fund, a contingency fund and in April 2022, the creation of the self-insurance fund. The creation of the early self-insurance fund is recommended. The general fund for current operations is also sometimes referred to as an administration fund or an administration fund....



Notice of loss: What is the situation?

The life of the co-ownership is not only of interest to its owners and occupants, but also to their insurers. This is all the more true since it is known to all that condominium disasters are numerous: water leak, water damages, vandalism, fire, etc. Let's go back to the basics of property insurance. The Syndicate is required to take out insurance covering  the common portions, the private portions (excluding improvements made to them) and movable property belonging to the syndicate. As for the improvements that have been made to the units, it is up to each co-owner to protect them with individual insurance, both those made by the previous owners and theirs. Finally, it is generally required (if only for the protection of co-owners) that tenants are also insured with respect to their movable property....



What to ask the professional accountant: a compilation engagement, a review engagement, an audit or nothing?

In theory, your co-ownership doesn't necessarily need a Chartered Professional Accountant to present its financial information, whether it's financial statements, financial forecasts or financing applications. Competent administrators or a manager could do the work and present the required financial information well. However, the need may arise if the co-owners have doubts about the work, skills or honesty of the board members. The internal reports submitted to the co-owners may also be absent or deficient....
