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10 tips to avoid water damage claims

While policyholders often fear fire and theft, it's actually water that takes center stage in terms of the number of claims and damages to co-ownerships. While water is a source of life, it also supports the growth of spores, fungi, and mold. Unfortunately, these fungi, delightful in a sauce, are not edible when growing on walls and are even harmful to the health of occupants, and what's more, they are excluded from insurance policies. This exclusion poses a financial challenge for co-ownership associations, lacking insurance support for repairs....



5 choses à savoir avant d’acheter un condo neuf

Devenir propriétaire est souvent une étape charnière dans la vie d’un ménage. Bien des choses doivent être prises en compte, et notamment lorsqu’il s’agit d’une copropriété neuve. Nous vous présentons dans ce texte cinq choses à savoir avant d’acquérir ce type de propriété....



Accréditation « inactive » au Répertoire : qu’est-ce que ça implique?

Le Répertoire des entreprises accréditées chez GCR contient une foule d’informations afin d’aider les consommateurs à choisir leur entrepreneur et leur projet de construction d’une habitation neuve. Parmi les renseignements disponibles, il y a l’état de l’accréditation de l’entreprise. Mais quand celui-ci indique que l’accréditation est « inactive », qu’est-ce que ça implique? Nous allons tout vous expliquer dans ce texte....



Administrateurs, à vos ardoises et Ipads

25 mai 2021 -  La question du mois apparaissant à la page d’accueil du site m’a inspiré cette chronique....



Cannabis et droit du travail: obligations des syndicats de copropriétaires

22 août 2018 - La décriminalisation de la marijuana, en octobre 2018, est encore un sujet de controverse dans nombre de copropriétés québécoises. Elle oppose les copropriétaires favorables à cette mesure à ceux qui s’y objectent farouchement, notamment en raison de la propagation d’odeurs et des dangers inhérents à la fumée secondaire.    ...



Ce que syndicat veut. Ce que gestionnaire veut.

1er février 2021 — Recourir aux services d’un gestionnaire de copropriété est une décision importante. Le mandataire doit être choisi avec doigté. Malheureusement, certains syndicats de copropriétaires éprouvent des difficultés à sélectionner les bons candidats. À l’inverse, certains gestionnaires ne savent pas dans quoi ils s’embarquent en acceptant un mandat, si bien que les mauvaises surprises peuvent miner la relation d’affaires entre eux....



Co-ownership insurance: the market tightens

Insurance is certainly one of the budget items that causes the most teeth-gritting. On one hand, it's generally quite expensive; on the other, it's something that ideally remains unused in the distant background. That said, condominium syndicate insurance is—legally—mandatory, so people choose it as a necessary evil. Fortunately, advertisers flood us with insurance ads, so syndicates will have plenty of choices! Not so fast... While it's true that there are countless insurance ads, it's also true that not all insured profiles are the same, and insurers don't address all types. Let's look at this....



Combatting mold in co-ownership: A health Issue

June 16, 2022 – The presence of mold in an apartment is not to be taken lightly. These microscopic fungi, in addition to causing aesthetic damage to surfaces, can significantly impact air quality and, consequently, the health of residents. In divided co-ownership, where the proximity of living spaces increases the risk of spread, heightened vigilance is required....



The life lease and its consequences

2 mars 2023 - Afflicted with a health issue, you want to move to an apartment closer to your daughter, which is fitting, given that a unit in her condo building is for sale. However, this unit is rented. During a visit to the premises, the tenant informs you that he has no intention of leaving, claiming a right to stay there for life. At least, for as long as he wants to. On the other hand, the seller tells you that the tenant will have to leave the unit upon receiving a notice of repossession. Intrigued by the tenant's statement, you take time to interview several people to verify this "lease for a lifetime" matter. The answers provided reassure you: if it is sent six months before the planned repossession date, the notice of repossession should allow you to take back the apartment. ...



To ensure the integral respect of the declaration of co-ownership

June 7, 2022 - The main duty of the board of directors in a condominium is to manage the Syndicate’s business. This means first to ensure the maintenance and conservation of the building, secondly to see to it that everyone respects every disposition of the declaration of co-ownership....

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