
All the chronicles

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Latent Defects in Co-ownerships: Can They Be Avoided?

Buying a co-ownership property is a big deal! It’s exciting to move into a new home and start making the place your own for your happily ever after. Unfortunately, this purchase can quickly turn into a nightmare if you discover a latent defect in the building after moving in. That’s why it’s important to take certain precautions before buying your co-ownership property. ...



Establishing the Market Value of a Co-ownership Unit

As the seller will want to receive the best possible price for their unit and the buyer will want to pay a fair purchase price, it is in the interest of both to know its fair market value. Establishing the market value of a co-ownership unit, however, is not a simple task and those buying or selling this type of property need to work with a qualified professional like a real estate broker....



Are your aquatic facilities up to code?

May 4, 2024 — Warm weather during the summer months can unfortunately coincide with aquatic tragedies that have fatal consequences. Warm seasons have been marked by tragic incidents in various aquatic environments. For instance, a high school student was found drowned in his school's pool. Additionally, a very young child met the same fate in a family pool. There was also a case of drowning in the indoor pool of a co-ownership. These events raise questions about whether these accidents were due to misfortune or negligence....



Co-ownership insurance: the market tightens

Insurance is certainly one of the budget items that causes the most teeth-gritting. On one hand, it's generally quite expensive; on the other, it's something that ideally remains unused in the distant background. That said, condominium syndicate insurance is—legally—mandatory, so people choose it as a necessary evil. Fortunately, advertisers flood us with insurance ads, so syndicates will have plenty of choices! Not so fast... While it's true that there are countless insurance ads, it's also true that not all insured profiles are the same, and insurers don't address all types. Let's look at this....



Inspection of facades taken lightly

Law 122 was adopted in 2013, making facade inspection by an engineer or architect mandatory for certain types of buildings. Despite this, it is surprising to note that many building owners still seem to be unaware of these regulations, or even deliberately neglect them. Why is there still so much hesitation about this inspection which could prevent disasters? In this column, I will explain the importance of inspecting the facades of a building and the reasons given by certain co-owners to avoid having it carried out....



The importance of caulking in co-ownership

Ensuring the longevity of a co-ownership building requires ongoing vigilance, especially when it comes to the maintenance and repair of common areas. These responsibilities, which fall to the board of directors, are crucial for the building's longevity. Among these, caulking holds a preeminent place. This delicate operation is vital for effectively countering recurrent water infiltration problems, thus ensuring the building's waterproofing and preserving its structural integrity. Therefore, rigorous maintenance is indispensable....



Exemplary water chemistry: The key to worry-free swimming

April 4, 2024 — Public and private pools rely on proper water chemistry to function adequately, ensuring they are safe for swimmers. Chlorine is the main disinfectant used, which has faced criticism in recent years due to concerns about it being carcinogenic. These claims are unfounded when it is properly dosed. Complaints about excessive chlorine levels are common in shared properties, whether in a swimming pool or a hot tub. This leads to a chemical imbalance in the water, making chlorine extremely aggressive, not only causing irritation to the skin and eyes but also prematurely wearing out swimsuits. However, when used according to standards, chlorine is effective and does not cause inconvenience. To ensure this, regular analysis of chlorine as well as checking the pH, alkalinity, and water temperature is essential....



Le coût élevé de la négligence

Mon équipe et moi avons récemment été sollicités pour intervenir au sein de la copropriété Alouette*. En effet, cette copropriété s’était vu refuser son renouvellement d’assurance et avait besoin d’être redressée : une vraie catastrophe ! Rendus sur les lieux, on pouvait comprendre la décision de l’assureur : la négligence et le déficit d’entretien étaient assurément élevés. Dans cette chronique, je plongerai dans les détails des problématiques trouvées dans cette copropriété et proposerai un plan de match pour permettre à celle-ci de renouveler son assurance le plus rapidement possible. *Nom fictif pour garder l’anonymat de la copropriété concernée...



What role does the syndicate of co-owners play in a real estate transaction?

For real estate transactions involving a divided co-ownership, one might assume that the parties only include the seller, the buyer, their respective real estate brokers and the notary who will finalize the transaction at the end of the process. However, the syndicate of co-owners also plays a key role in the transaction. By fulfilling their obligations, the board will allow the promisor to obtain all relevant information to make their decision, and the parties to the transaction can ensure that the promisor is able to give enlightened consent....



Divided co-ownership and GST/QST

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) are collected in Quebec on the sale of most goods and services. The application of the Excise Tax Act (Part IX) and the Act respecting the Québec sales tax in respect of expenses incurred by a syndicate of co-owners and the contributions to common expenses it receives from co-owners is a very complex subject. Before registering for the GST and QST files, a syndicate of co-owners has every interest in consulting a tax professional. That said, the question remains: in what situation must a syndicate of co-owners charge GST and QST to a co-owner on his common expenses (condo fees)?...
