
All the chronicles

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Awarding a construction contract : be careful!

May 3, 2022- The duty of maintenance and conservation of the building that falls to the administrators of a co-ownership involves one day doing business with construction contractors. Whether it is to replace the roof, renovate the entrance hall or repair brick siding and masonry, it is important to be vigilant when awarding such contracts, given their often very high costs. As agents of the syndicate, directors must act with caution, in order to protect the interests of the community of co-owners. This translates into various rules that should be followed, especially when the work is important:  ...



Can you refuse the contractor proposed by the syndicate’s insurer?

Recently, I was confronted with a situation that raises important questions regarding insurance in divided co-ownership. After a loss caused by torrential rains, a co-owner refused to allow the contractor designated by the insurer to intervene in their private portion, preferring to hire their own contractor. This case led me to reflect on several issues: Can the co-owner refuse the contractor proposed by the insurer or the syndicate of co-owners? What are the possible alternatives to ensure that the work is carried out properly and on time? What are the rights and obligations of the syndicate of co-owners in such a situation? These questions directly touch on the legal obligations and practices to be respected when carrying out repair work in co-ownership, and deserve to be explored in depth to fully understand everyone's rights and responsibilities....



Let's Talk About Privacy Rights

We are living in a paradoxical period, marked by the dazzling progress of computer technologies, the dematerialization of data, artificial intelligence, and their intrusion into all aspects of our lives. More than ever, people are posting on social networks and talking about their most recent outings, vacations or acquisitions, when not blabbering about their moods. Regardless, privacy remains a fundamental right that must be protected, sometimes against us....

Vos droits


New tax obligations for Syndicates of co-ownership

Even if it is tax-exempt, every syndicate of co-owners must submit an income tax return each year, both at the provincial and federal levels. This return must be filed within six months following the end of the fiscal year. A syndicate of co-owners must therefore complete the Non-Profit Organization Information Return using CO-17.SP form (at the provincial level) and the Corporate Income Tax Return using form T2 (at the federal level). It is important to note that failure to submit these returns within the prescribed deadlines can result in penalties....



Odeurs désagréables

31 mai 2010- Un des inconvénients de vivre en condo est la trop fréquente propagation d’odeurs dans les corridors et pire encore dans les logements. Ces odeurs se propagent avec une circulation d’air dans le bâtiment par des ouvertures (même très petites) dont les principales sont :...



Parlons de harcèlement psychologique (1/2)

2 août 2022 - Acteurs importants dans plusieurs copropriétés, les employés d’un syndicat de copropriétaires en assurent le bon fonctionnement en exécutant divers services attendus par les résidents. Le syndicat est ainsi « l’employeur », il est donc responsable de la sécurité et de la santé du salarié. Or, la Loi sur les normes du travail prévoit que tout employé a droit à un environnement de travail exempt de toute forme de harcèlement. Aussi, par exemple, en cas de litige du fait d’un copropriétaire qui exercerait une pression régulière sur le concierge ou le portier, le syndicat doit prendre les mesures qui s’imposent. Si l'employé porte plainte pour harcèlement, la responsabilité de la copropriété pourrait être engagée du fait des agissements d’un de ses membres....



Parlons de harcèlement psychologique (2/2)

14 août 2022 - Le phénomène du harcèlement psychologique en milieu travail est de plus en plus rapporté et médiatisé. Il se manifeste sous plusieurs formes et ce par des comportements intimidants, vexants et inopportuns. Ce fléau de la société est combattu, partout où il sévit. Nul ne peut se réfugier derrière un quelconque statut juridique, y compris celui de la copropriété. Un syndicat de copropriétaires, en tant qu’employeur, doit prendre les moyens raisonnables pour prévenir toute forme de harcèlement psychologique parmi ses employés et, lorsqu’une telle conduite est portée à sa connaissance, pour la faire cesser....



Parties privatives, parties communes? Ce qu’il faut savoir quand on achète un condo

Vous avez acquis ou vous comptez acquérir un condo. Vous voyez alors passer des termes et expressions qui vous sont plus ou moins familiers. Nous allons tenter de démêler le tout afin que vous puissiez y voir plus clair....



Short practical guide to personnel management

December 23, 2021- As an employer, a syndicate of co-ownership has a right of management with respect to its employees, that is to say the right to direct them. This right of management must, however, be exercised in compliance with employment rules. It starts in the hiring process Leading staff is much more than just assigning tasks to the employee. A good employer/employee relationship is created from the hiring process. Experience and job references are important points to consider, as well as the motivation, skills and background of the candidate, in order to select well. This step should not be overlooked....



Why do business with a real estate broker for the sale or purchase of a co-ownership?

Life in a co-ownership has its advantages. First, the cost of buying a co-ownership unit is, on average, less than a single family home. With co-ownership, certain costs—such as maintenance or building repairs—can be divided among the co-owners....
