
All the chronicles

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Exemplary water chemistry: The key to worry-free swimming

April 4, 2024 — Public and private pools rely on proper water chemistry to function adequately, ensuring they are safe for swimmers. Chlorine is the main disinfectant used, which has faced criticism in recent years due to concerns about it being carcinogenic. These claims are unfounded when it is properly dosed. Complaints about excessive chlorine levels are common in shared properties, whether in a swimming pool or a hot tub. This leads to a chemical imbalance in the water, making chlorine extremely aggressive, not only causing irritation to the skin and eyes but also prematurely wearing out swimsuits. However, when used according to standards, chlorine is effective and does not cause inconvenience. To ensure this, regular analysis of chlorine as well as checking the pH, alkalinity, and water temperature is essential....



Abusive conduct by a Syndicate Director

In their dealings with co-owners, board members must act with loyalty and fairness. They must refrain from any gesture that could amount to a settling of scores. This rule of conduct is fundamental and failure to comply with it constitutes a fault that may engage the liability of both the syndicate and the directors, personally. A judgment of the Court of Quebec sanctioned the abusive behaviour of members of the board of directors of a syndicate.  ...

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Cash or accrual basis of accounting?

The accounting of the co-ownership is managed by the members of the board of directors or the manager designated by the latter. It is necessary for them to understand the rules of accounting in order to ensure the effective management of the syndicate of co-owners on a daily basis and measure its result in a reliable way. However, not all directors and co-owners are accountants by trade. It is therefore important that they understand the essentials concerning the accounting of their co-ownership. In practice, several accounting methods can be envisaged: each obeys a specific principle and often pursues a very particular purpose. There are two types of accounting:  Cash basis of accounting and Accrual basis of accounting....



Certificate of location : Global or limited to the privative portion ?

In the case of a real estate transaction in a divided co-ownership, the certificate of location of the private portion is not always sufficient. A certified copy of the certificate of location of the entire building may also be requested. It is this certificate of location that will inform the buyer of the compliance of the overall property with respect to laws and regulations, encroachments, servitudes, as well as possible restrictions regarding the addition of a swimming pool, sheds, for example....



Chronique de renforcement

24 juin 2014 - Dans une précédente chronique, j'énumérais un certain nombre de règles à suivre lors de l'octroi de contrats de construction. En tant que mandataire d'un syndicat de copropriété, tout administrateur se doit en effet d'agir de façon prudente, dans l'intérêt de la collectivité des copropriétaires....



Communication et information: à ne pas négliger!

27 juillet 2015 - Il n’est pas rare d’entendre des administrateurs de copropriété souligner le manque d’intérêt des copropriétaires quant aux affaires de leur syndicat. Cela se traduit parfois en une faible participation aux assemblées de copropriétaires, occasionnant son annulation et report, faute de quorum, ou l’impossibilité d’atteindre le pourcentage de votes requis pour prendre certaines décisions importantes, en vertu du Code civil du Québec....



How can you prepare to buy a co-ownership property?

Divided co-ownership offers numerous financial and practical advantages that make these properties an attractive option for many buyers, from their lower purchase price in comparison to a single-family home to their well-defined management framework. Are you one of these potential buyers? Would you like to learn more about the process of buying a co-ownership property? Here is some information you may find useful!...



How can you prepare to sell your co-ownership property?

The decision to sell your divided co-ownership property is an important one, and being well prepared can make all the difference in the selling process. As a seller, it is essential to understand the steps that lead to a successful transaction. In this article, we will explore the key steps to go through when preparing to sell your co-ownership property, which will put you in the best position for a smooth transaction and peace of mind!  ...



How to organize a meeting of co-owners smoothly

October 15, 2023- The Meeting of co-owners is a major event in the life of a co-ownership. A meeting at least once a year, it is decisive since it allows the making of major decisions that impact the lives and finances of the co-owners. The board of directors' mission is to take care of the convening and holding of the meeting of co-owners but also of the execution of the decisions it votes. Decisions taken have to appear clear and careful planning is required. It is also important to understand the rules that apply to it.  ...

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Recent changes to the representation of a client in real estate brokerage

January 27, 2023 – In the summer of 2022, the Government of Quebec not only banned dual representation but since then also requires a broker who accompanies a buyer without a contract, to denounce him with more transparency that he does not represent him and that rather, he represents only the client with whom he is bound by a written contract. What does it mean ?...
