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Ventes résidentielles en 2016: des prévisions optimistes

20 janvier 2016 — La Fédération des chambres immobilières du Québec (FCIQ), en collaboration avec la Chambre immobilière de Québec (CIQ), a présenté, hier, le bilan québécois du marché immobilier résidentiel 2015, ainsi que les tendances et perspectives 2016....



Rendez-vous annuel au Pavillon Condo

1er février 2016 — Le Pavillon Condo de l’ExpoHabitation de Montréal présentera sa sixième édition au Stade olympique, du 11 au 14 février prochain....



Varia: à proscrire de vos assemblées

2 février 2016 — Le terme Varia est fréquemment employé dans les ordres du jour d’assemblées générales annuelles de copropriétaires. Il permet d’ajouter des sujets qui n’y étaient pas initialement prévus, et qui sont débattus en fin d’assemblée. Or, selon l’Office québécois de la langue française, ce terme est une impropriété à éviter....



The decline of single family homes

January 11, 2016 -Housing starts of single family homes have been at a "historic low" in 2015, confirms Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). This statement concerns all major urban centers of Quebec....



Increase in downpayments

January 12, 2016 - As of February 15, 2016, residential buyers who wish to get hypothecary insurance will be subject to a new rule in Canada, namely a larger minimum down payment for any purchase exceeding $ 500,000....



A new GM at the GCR

January 15, 2016 – The Garantie de construction résidentielle (residential construction Garanty.GCR) has recently appointed Daniel Laplante as its new CEO. He officially takes office on January 15, 2016. He succeeds Gina Gaudreault, who was the first person to hold this position since the creation of the GCR....



The RL -31 becomes mandatory

January 5, 2016 – As of January1, 2016, Revenu Québec imposes the use of the RL-31 slip (RL-31). This document is intended for those individuals or businesses who own a building containing at least one leased dwelling. They are required to provide this slip to any tenant whose name is on a lease or who sublets an apartment, as of December31, 2015 specifically....



New Ontario condominium act

January 15th 2016- Ontario has been revising for a long time its 1998 Condominium Act (Condominium Act). Its new version adopted December 2nd 2015, designated the “2015 Protecting Condominium Owners Act “has significantly reinforced the measures of protection applicable to condo associations”....



From down and out to hero

January 18, 2016 - After an exhausting battle against its syndicate of co-owners (le Verre -Bourg in Ste-Foy), Robert Delarosbil has been elected President the Board this Monday....



Disability and Stigma

January 22, 2016 - The profile of Quebec condominiums is expected to change in the coming years. With the aging population, the number of residents in co-ownerships with reduced mobility will increase....
