27 Articles
December 15th 2022 - When you wish to purchase a condominium unit, it is very important to obtain information not only on the private portion you would like to purchase, but also on the common portions, such as the foundation and the roof....
18 octobre 2022 - En furetant sur les sites de propriétés à vendre, vous trouvez la copropriété de vos rêves et vous ne voulez pas manquer votre chance? Prenez tout de même le temps de bien faire les choses. ...
March 10th 2022 - The pre-acceptance inspection is a critical step in the process of acquiring a new property. A thorough and careful inspection is the best way to protect buyers from any unforeseen issues. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the pre-acceptance inspection of the private portions and common areas of your co-owned property. LITTLE REMINDER : Let us start by reminding you that in the new co-owned property market,…...
2 mars 2023 - Afflicted with a health issue, you want to move to an apartment closer to your daughter, which is fitting, given that a unit in her condo building is for sale. However, this unit is rented. During a visit to the premises, the tenant informs you that he has no intention of leaving, claiming a right to stay there for life. At least, for as long as he wants to. On the other…...
Cette chronique vous est proposée par Garantie de construction résidentielle 10 décembre 2019 — Garantie de construction résidentielle (GCR) publiera dorénavant des chroniques sur Condolegal.com, afin d’aider les consommateurs à poser les bons gestes lorsqu’ils achètent un condo. Le premier sujet traitera de l’avis de fin des travaux des parties communes. Il s’agit d’une étape extrêmement importante, car elle coïncide avec le démarrage de certains volets propres à la garantie de GCR....