Webradio Condolegal from December 13, 2023: Co-ownership regulations

The theme of this broadcast on December 13, 2023 was co-ownership regulations, a subject which concerns administrators, co-owners and managers alike and which often raises questions and debates. Remember that co-ownership regulations are the set of rules that govern the operation, organization and management of a co-ownership.

It aims to ensure respect for the rights and obligations of co-owners, to promote good understanding and cooperation between them, to preserve the value and security of the common heritage, and to prevent or resolve conflicts that may arise. To enlighten us on this delicate subject, we will have the honor of receiving Mr. Yves Papineau, emeritus lawyer in co-ownership law. Me Papineau will talk to us about the general principles of co-ownership regulations, the rights and obligations of co-owners, majority and quorum rules, possible sanctions in the event of non-compliance, and ways to prevent or resolve conflicts.

This web radio was hosted, as usual, by Ms. Valéry Couture, co-ownership manager of Condo Stratégis, who shared with us her experience and practical advice.


See the Webradio of November 13, 2023:  


Also, you can see our   web radios in rebroadcast