

21 Articles


Abiding to the declaration of co-ownership

The declaration of co-ownership defines the terms and conditions of living together. It applies to the co-owners and, in principle, to the occupants and tenants s of the building. It is up to the Board of Directors, as soon as it becomes aware of it, to ensure that its content is respected, and, if necessary, to give formal notice to the offending co-owner to cease any violation of the declaration of co-ownership. Failure to do so…...


Civil liability of the directors

The juridical personality of the syndicate is distinct from the one of the co-owners and directors. His acts are binding only on himself, besides for the exceptions provided by law. The faults committed by the syndicate have consequences only on its own civil liability and not on the directors. Under these conditions, they are held harmless by the syndicate and assume no responsibility for any costs, expenses, charges or losses they have incurred for the administration of…...

caricature syndicate civil liability insurance

Civil liability of the syndicate of co-owners

In the same way as any other natural or legal person, a syndicate of co-owners is likely to incur civil liability towards third parties, including co-owners. Responsibility is the counterpart of power: where authority lies, there is responsibility. A syndicate must therefore act with prudence and diligence, taking the necessary measures to prevent accidents normally foreseeable, ensuring that the common areas are safe and free of traps. Moreover, if his liability is engaged, this translates into the financial contribution of the…...


Meeting of the meetings of the co-owners

In order for a Meeting of co-owners to deliberate and adopt decisions, the Law provides that the co-owners (present or represented), eligible to vote, must hold the majority of votes. This requirement is called a quorum.It is also necessary that the quorum be maintained for the duration of the meeting. In the event that it cannot be reached or maintained, the Law provides for holding a second Meeting of co-owners (Make-up Meeting) during which the…...


Quorum for holding a meeting of the board of directors

In order for the board of directors to validly deliberate and make decisions, the declarations of co-ownership generally provide that a minimum number of directors must participate to the meeting. This requirement is called the quorum. Unless the board of directors is composed of a single director, the quorum at a meeting of the board of directors is generally set by the By-laws of the immovable by a majority of the current directors. Recall that the quorum…...


Remuneration of the directors

Most co-ownership directors assume this activity free of charge, effectively excluding the collection of any amount of money. But, contrary to popular belief, they can be paid. Usually, the remuneration granted to a director is mainly symbolic and is not similar to a remuneration similar to that paid to a condominium manager. Their remuneration takes various forms: salary, honorariums and attendance fees, just to name a few. This financial compensation, a part of the administrative…...


Statutory liability of the directors

The duties and obligations of directors are at the heart of the good governance of a co-ownership. As part of their duties, directors are required to ensure that the syndicate of co-owners complies with the laws. This is why, in addition to the duties of diligence and loyalty of directors set out in the Civil Code of Québec, specific obligations, described as "statutory", are imposed on them. Some statutes provide for a directors' liability regime…...


Suspension and reduction of voting rights

The right to vote is recognized as an essential element of any modern society, and as such, co-owners cannot be deprived of it except as provided in the law. In addition, each co-owner has, in principle, at the meeting a number of votes proportional to the relative value of his fraction. However, in certain circumstances, it is provided that the co-owner may have his right to vote suspended or reduced, by the sole effect of…...


Tax regime of the syndicate of co-owners

In general, a syndicate of co-ownership is considered a non-profit organization (NPO). As such, it benefits from a tax exemption. However, like any legal person, the syndicate of co-ownership must comply with various tax obligations, failing which it may face penalties that could have significant repercussions on the financial situation of the co-ownership and its co-owners. It is notably required to maintain strict accounting and file certain tax returns each year. Moreover, tax audits may be conducted…...


What is a syndicate of co-owners?

The syndicate acts as a legal person bringing together all the co-owners of the building and not each of them individually. The Civil Code of Quebec (C.c.Q.) provides that the syndicate of co-owners arises, by operation of law, at the time of publication of the declaration of co-ownership in the Land register. With the powers devolved to it by law and exercised by its two decision-making bodies, it thus expresses the autonomy of the community of co-owners. As a result, the co-owners are third parties to…...
