Letter requesting the inclusion of a question the agenda (template)




The ___________

At syndicate _____________ (exact name of the Syndicate of co-owners),

I, the undersigned, __________________________________ (first name, last name and address of the co-owner) owner of the fraction of co-ownership bearing the civic number _________________, appartement ______, at_______________________  (city and postal code), wish you to include on the agenda of the next meeting of co-owners the following question:

[Describe]  Example: Draft amendment to the declaration of co-ownership concerning [describe], this draft resolution, the text of which is attached to this application, must be communicated to the co-owners before the meeting and submitted to the vote of the meeting.

It is worth recalling that article 1088 of the Civil Code of Québec provides that any co-owner may require the board of directors to place any other matter on the agenda within 5 days of receipt of the notice of meeting.

I thus have, as a co-owner, the right to notify you of the questions that I wish to be placed on the agenda of the meeting of co-owners. For your part, as a member of the board of directors, it is up to you to follow through on the right granted to me, by notifying in writing all the co-owners of the new issues that will be raised and of any proposed amendment to the proposed declaration of co-ownership, before the meeting is held and not on the day of the meeting.

In the meantime, please accept the assurances of my highest consideration. 


Signature of the co-owner or his mandator

Email address: .....................................