Rental and reservation platform of privately owned dwellings offering on the Web, an alternative to traditional hotel stays. It puts travelers in touch with homeowners for the purpose of short-term rentals hotel-type accommodation (less than 31 days).
Renting your apartment to tourists, exposes you to various claims. This could be the case in cases where it is recognized that you are legally responsible for a guest who injures themselves or has their personal belongings damaged or stolen during their stay in your apartement. While some short-term…...
When the leased property is an apartment, the lessee must respect the by-laws of the immovable. However more often than not, tourists renting a condo for a short period of time have not received a copy thereof and may not even realize they are contravening its provisions.They sometimes unduly use…...
The Internet spawned a collaborative economy. Web sites such as Airbnb allow co-owners to rent their apartments to third parties a few days a year. This accommodation formula, intended for travelers, sometimes generates substantial income. For this reason, some owners are tempted by these easy pickings. And they believe they…...
In recent years, there has been a trend towards renting units held in divided co-ownership in large urban centres as well as in resort centres. Although renting a property is a recognized ownership right for a co-owner, he must know the rules applicable in this matter. The law and the declaration…...
The additional premium is a premium that is added to the existing premium. It results from a worsening of the risk or from the assumption of a new risk. This additional premium may be imposed during the course of a contract or upon its renewal. Risks are analyzed according to…...
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) are collected in Quebec on the sale of most goods and services. The application of the Excise Tax Act (Part IX) and the Act respecting the Québec sales tax in respect of expenses incurred by a syndicate of…...
April 2, 2023 - As reported in an article by journalist Zacharie Gaudreault of the newspaper Le Devoir, a co-owner of a building located in the Griffintown district of Montreal has been sentenced by a judgment of the Superior Court of Quebec to pay more than $85,000 in penalties and…...
We are concerned about the comings and goings of strangers in our building. This concern is all the more justified by the fact that some of our co-owners rent without right, for short periods, to travelers (Airbnb-type rental). Question: Can the Board of Directors ask to see a tenant's id…...
Un nouveau règlement entré en vigueur le 1er mai 2020 fait en sorte que dorénavant, si la déclaration de copropriété est muette à propos de la location de type hôtelière (par exemple Airbnb), un copropriétaire devra demander la permission au conseil d'administration, s'il veut s'adonner à cette activité dans son…...
17 juin 2020 — Le nouveau règlement sur les établissements d’hébergement touristique (RLRQ) est en vigueur depuis le 1er mai 2020. Il instaure une nouvelle catégorie d’établissements d’hébergement touristique appelée « établissements de résidence principale ». Cela dit, l’interdiction d’exploiter tout type d’hébergement touristique est maintenue jusqu’à nouvel ordre, sauf…...
6 février 2020 — Un copropriétaire de Québec a été condamné à payer quelque 15 000 $ à son syndicat, fruit d’une décision rendue par la Cour du Québec – Division des petites créances. L’homme en question louait son unité à court terme (location de type hôtelière), en contravention avec…...
Le phénomène AirBnB a gagné en popularité au Québec, transformant la manière dont les logements en copropriété sont loués à court terme grâce à cette plateforme conviviale et accessible. Toutefois, il faut savoir que certaines déclarations de copropriété imposent des restrictions claires, voire interdisent totalement ce type de location, dans le but de…...